Follows a troubled young man, Jang Lok-Kwon, as he stumbles into the Fortress City, discovers order amidst its chaos, and learns important life lessons along the way. For filming, a full-scale replica of the fortress city of Kowloon was built, which is said to be almost identical to the real one. The scenery was demolished immediately after the filming ended.. Next are Jiu Long Cheng Zhai · Long Tou. Just from the screening of the film “Twilight Warriors: Trapped in the Wall”. Pros -📜 The premise is based on a book called “The City of Darkness”, and in the film itself, different gangs capture the Fortress City in their interests.🙋🏼🙋🙋🏻Characters. Sammo Hung = Good, Louis Koo = Excellent, Philip Ng = Outstanding. All the others were solid. 🌆 The fortress city was such an experience and excellent to see and be in. It was harsh and claustrophobic, like hell. The creators of the film tried so hard to reproduce the real fortress city in Kowloon 🔉 Sound design and impact sounds were very good. Cyclone’s sound design was such an experience. Using surround sound in the hall. 🥊⚡ Some battles were insane, with absolutely brilliant body movements, several wall running perfection. Philip Ng was outstanding. 1 negative – the scene with the AK-47 was too big, they should have limited it to 0 barrels in the film. Overall, the film has many outstanding moments.