Career Guidance and Support

Career guidance and assistance can be provided by professional career counselors, peer mentors, and family and friends. They can be provided in a variety of settings such as workplaces, schools and community groups.

A career coach assists clients in establishing and achieving their goals in their careers. This is accomplished by a variety of career-related activities that allow people to become aware of their strengths and interests in order to make a better decision about their career.

The purpose of career counseling is to ensure that the career selected by an individual is one that is appropriate to his or her talents capabilities, talents, and personality. Career guidance is vital at any stage of life but is most important in school and during the early years of employment.

Many career counselors also offer help with job search. They can help job seekers find job postings, write resumes, prepare for interviews, and use networking techniques to locate jobs. They also provide suggestions on how to progress in their careers and tackling workplace issues, like managing office politics or negotiating salary increases.

People can also seek out career counseling if they feel that the job option they picked isn’t fulfilling anymore. Counselors can help them find and explore different career possibilities for example, a job in ethical hacking or sports psychology.