Review of digital vision Phoenix 2021 Benefits
phoenix are designed to get great results with less manual intervention. Using a well -known timeline interface, the artist and archive can easily view and retrieve defects in the context.
Using filoving and video restoration solutions for Phoenix restoration with its prizes -Accepted image processing software tools, you never need to threaten image quality. With automated and semi -automated functions for recovery based on files for more operator efficiency, the only solution is which product provides the correct level of functionality in the hand.
The main solution that includes a set of leading DVO tools for digital vision processing. Phoenix Video is a highly automated solution for restoring and improving video content processing, which is stored in tape formats such as 1¨, U-Matic and Betacam sp. The system deals with normal image defects such as abandoned, severe noise, crossed artifacts, problems with line synchronization and more. Additional features include compensation for staff movement and high quality increases, as well as full maintenance for general emitting codecs. By combining the best automatic, semi -automatic and manual recovery tools, Phoenix Refine adds editorial and spectacular options to process the effect. The result is a system with outputs for both learning and archives.
Overview of the digital vision Phoenix 2021
Full Powerful Color Tools
- Optional support for the RAW camera. ; (8GB or recommended)
- FREE Hard Disk Location: 16 GB (32 GB or more recommended)