How to Run Better Board Meetings

Whether they’re serving as a strategic decision-making forum or a framework for governance, board meetings are critical to the success of any organization. However regardless of their importance, the effectiveness of board meetings is usually restricted by the way they’re run.

A strategic outlook is necessary to conduct a productive board meeting. This will ensure that each meeting is positive and can lead to meaningful discussions. A well-organized agenda that prioritizes important topics and allocates enough time for each item of discussion is a good way to begin.

In addition to setting clear objectives for the meeting, ensuring that each board member is properly prepared and have access to material for the meeting is a crucial element to make board meetings more productive. Additionally, preparing accurate and concise meeting minutes that document discussions and decisions along with actions items with timelines is an essential element to successful board meetings.

By limiting the time spent on routine items and reports it allows you to spend more time engaging in stimulating discussions. As a general rule you should not devote more than 25% of your meeting time on routine items and reports.

Distractions caused by new topics for discussion that don’t provide an immediate impact on the company’s goals can waste the time of the board and cut into the time that is available for strategic thinking and planning. Many boards have a parking zone at the end of their agendas to allow non-priority topics that need discussion into future meetings.