Keep Share and Edit Your Data Safe

Securely edit and share data

We are all working strategic IT management: adapting for the future with documents. From emails and word documents to spreadsheets and presentations sharing files across platforms, devices and clients is a key part of our daily lives. But with a rising number of cyber-attacks in the news, we are worried about how secure the files we share are.

File sharing is a convenient way to collaborate and expand on ideas however, it’s crucial to be aware of how much access you grant your coworkers. When you allow access to your files for too long can make it easier for hackers to gain access to your information and compromise your privacy.

There are a few simple steps that can help you keep your information safe when sharing files. First, only share the information they require. This minimizes the risk of information being leaking into the wrong hands in the event of a data leak or data breach. Secondly, use equipment that blocks unauthorised editing of files. If you’re collaborating on an Excel spreadsheet, there are tools that can secure the file when it’s being edited. This stops accidental or malicious changes and ensures the numbers remain correct.

Online file transfer services can also be a risk for businesses. These types of systems can leave your company vulnerable to a wide range of potential attacks and it’s often difficult for administrators to determine where files have been sent and what type of access was granted, or even if they’ve been sent in any way.